Killzone: Mercenary Week One Multiplayer Stats and Environment Showcase Video Released

The virtual death toll is high indeed.

It’s been roughly a week now since Killzone: Mercenary released and Sony was kind enough to reveal some multiplayer stats from players who got online within the first week.

Some of the stats are fairly rudimentary but interesting nonetheless. Thus far, 14,200 days worth of play time has been recorded, with 11,304,421 head-shots and 5,924,773 melee kills. The M82 and the silenced STA-52SE are the most popular weapons among players with each racking up over 5 million kills each. The death toll indicates 46,578,514 lives having been “terminated” since the game released.

But that’s not all: An environment showcase video has also been released, which details the different levels you can wreck mayhem in. Check it out above.

Meanwhile, the next chapter in the Killzone series, Killzone: Shadow Fall, will be launching on the PlayStation 4 on November 15th in North America and November 29th in Europe. It will mark the first next generation game in the series.

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