Kim Kardashian: Hollywood’s In-App Purchases Could Generate $200 Million in Revenue


Outrageous as it sounds, the Kim Kardashian video game, titled Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, could generate $200 million thanks to in-app purchases according to analyst Doug Creutz.

Writing on Bloomberg, Creutz said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity, right? Obviously, Kim Kardashian’s brand has driven people to download the game. But at this point, the game has taken on a life of its own.”

Glu Mobile CEO Niccolo de Masi said that, “It might be our biggest game of the year. We’re not surprised. Kim is a one-of-a-kind talent with an incredibly precise fit to the game engine that we tailored but already had in the company.” The game helped drive up shares in the company by 44 percent.

The game involves creating a celebrity who can buy luxury homes, date celebrities and try to become the next big power couple. The game is free to download and relies on in-app purchases for its revenue. What are your thoughts on the game’s success? Let us know in the comments.

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