Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Will Support 4K On PS4 Pro- Rumor

I mean, this wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Look, Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD isn’t going to be a visual stunner. The bulk of the game began life as a Nintendo 3DS title, and the rest of the package won’t win any awards for its graphics tech either, no matter how good the artstyle and the visual embellishments may be. So the suggestion that the game may support 4K output on the PS4 Pro isn’t preposterous- especially when the 4K output in question may not even be native.

Twitter user aibo is reporting that an interview with Kingdom Hearts Director Tetsuya Nomura that is due to be released later this week reveals that the game will support 4K output on the PS4. The interview doesn’t clarify whether the 4K output will be native or upscaled (though I can feasibly see it being native, given the game’s technically humble roots), but for a lot of tech fans, maybe the idea of Kingdom Hearts in 4K is enough.

Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD will be launched on PS4 exclusively later this year.

Thanks, Neogaf.

kingdom hearts 2.8 hdps4ps4 proSquare Enix