Kojima wants gamers to interact using various devices on PS4

Kojima always has a different thought process than other developers.

PS4 reveal was a monumental one for the industry, wherein a lot of people praised its technological prowess, but Hideo Kojima–the creator of the Metal Gear franchise–wants to see something different.

He wants people to interact with the game through various devices, through various media – such as tablets, and smart phones. It’s something he has said before as well and one thing is for sure he is consistent in his opinion.

“I can say that with every new generation of hardware the capabilities of the hardware increases,” he told IGN. “But up to this point it’s always been very much of a vertical evolution – of course, you expect things like visual fidelity, audio, frame rate. New features such as 3D capability, etc, etc. These things are a given. They come with the new hardware.

“But what I’m really more interested in is other ways of expanding into the next generation – a more horizontal expansion, where you’re going to be doing things online, more of a social aspect. People will be able to interact with the game through various devices, through various media – such as tablets, smart phones, etc.

“I think it’s this new type of interaction – this new way of interacting with the game world – that’s more exciting to me. And I want to bring the Metal Gear franchise into that new wider world of interaction.”

That’s all nice but he should be concentrating on releasing games quickly. It’s been what 4 years since Metal Gear Solid 4 came out? No, apparently 5, if my math is correct, so what are you doing Kojima?

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