LA Noire Remastered Gets A New Trailer Showcasing It In 4K Glory

The game is looking as sharp as always.

LA Noire, Rockstar’s troubled and flawed open world detective game from the previous generation, is due for a re-release next month on the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch; ahead of that re-release, Rockstar have shared a brand new title for the game, showing it in full 4K glory. The upcoming remaster will be supporting 4K resolutions for the PS4 and Xbox One versions, assuming you are playing the game on a PS4 Pro or an Xbox One X.

The trailer highlights something that often gets forgotten about the game- it was a revelatory technical masterpiece when it first launched, and in many regards, so many years later, it still stands shoulder to shoulder with the best looking games of this generation. The 4K remaster cleans it up, and it should be great to play this game with modernized graphics (or on the go, if you play on Switch).

LA Noire is due out on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC (with a spin-off HTC Vive re-release also launching) on November 14.

la noirenintendo switchps4RockstarXbox One