Left4Dead 3 Happening “Some Time Down the Road”

But as Valve writer Chet Faliszek states, "that's not a promise of when or where".

Valve writer Chet Faliszek is a busy man. In between Steam Greenlight and Big Picture, development on upcoming Valve titles, and just overall being a boss, he found time to talk to about the Left4Dead series hitting 12 million copies sold since it’s release.

In the wake of this success, Faliszek spoke to Eurogamer and was asked about the possibility of another sequel. Faliszek responsed, “You know, some time down the road. Like anything, I would say that to all of our games. So that’s not a promise of when or where. I really love working on that series. It’s one of my favourite series. It’s just so much fun with the characters and the world. I love zombies and I love horror. So, yeah.”

There’s definitely no discounting that a Left4Dead 3 could happen. Valve faced quite a lot of flak for releasing the second game only a year after the first, but still delivering all the same. What could they have planned this time we wonder?

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