Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Launches Today

The tortured Final Fantasy XIII saga comes to an end.

Final Fantasy XIII was a divisive game, but history would probably have not judged it any worse than previous oddball Final Fantasy games, such as Final Fantasy II (the NES release, not the SNES game Final Fantasy IV that was released in the west as Final Fantasy II) or Final Fantasy VIII.

The issue was, Square couldn’t let it go. They just had to have the last word. Thus, they made a needless sequel (that, in spite of a nonsensical story, admittedly did improve on the original a fair bit); but now, here’s a third one. Square Enix just effectively spent an entire generation milking a brand and a universe that few people cared for.

In any case, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII launches today for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. You can check out the launch trailer above. And stay tuned to GamingBolt, because our review for the game will be up shortly.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIISquare Enix