Mark Cerny: PS4 is “Easy to Learn and Difficult to Master”

System creator says the approach is to make the platform more open.

PlayStation 4 chief architect Mark Cerny recently spoke to CVG about the innovation that the console brings to the market, and pointed out that all developers will have a place for Sony’s next generation of gaming.

“The hardware is an enabler. We are very intentionally trying to make the hardware easy to learn and difficult to master. When you think about innovation, I think that is going to be satisfied by the larger user experience that surrounds the games.

“I’m talking about a true friends’ network, the ability to download as you play, the ability to see what your friends are doing in real-time, sharing screenshots and videos. The experience is that, when you play a game, you feel like you’re on an adventure with your real-world friends.

“We are trying to make PS4 open, and we are looking for those stars, those brilliant minds of this generation, and we want to bring their games to the front and centre. From indie games to triple-A titles, there’s a place for all of them. The whole variety of appeal is key to PlayStation.”

The PlayStation 4 is currently slated to release during the Holiday season.

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