Marvel Heroes 2015 Teaser Trailer Reveals Surtur

The battle begins on June 4th.

Gazillion Entertainment’s Marvel Heroes 2015 has more or less been confirmed and it looks to be an update to the original superhero action MMO. A short teaser trailer has been released for the game which showcases several Marvel heroes like Wolverine, Miss Marvel, Captain America, Hulk and Rocket Raccoon facing down Surtur, one of Thor’s greatest foes. Check it out above.

Surtur appears to be the antagonist this time around and certainly wields enough power to qualify as an apocalyptic-like figure in the Marvel universe (aside from the actual Apocalypse). Not much has been seen of the demon in the Marvel films or video games so hopefully his appearance here will establish his character well.

Marvel Heroes 2015 is billed for a June 4th release date. Stay tuned for more information on what kind of content and characters it will offer in the coming weeks and let us know you thoughts on the teaser trailer in the comments below.

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