Marvelous is a company whose name you don’t hear a whole lot, but ultimately fill a pretty specific niche of titles for those looking for things with a certain Japanese flavor. So, that should come to no surprise that the company is reporting success on Nintendo’s hybrid, the Switch, due to its portable nature.
In their latest shared financial report, Marvelous highlighted that their business, which includes their games sales from PC to mobile to console, was up around the board even though their overall income saw a slight dip. They highlighted their Switch releases, specifically Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, Rune Factory 4 Special and Daemon X Machina, all of which were said to have done very well on the system. Unfortunately, they didn’t do quite well enough for Marvelous to provide sales numbers, but we’ll take their word for it.
For the remainder of the fiscal year that runs to March 31st 2021 they are looking to launch Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town in the west, as well as releases of Rune Factory 5 and Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin sometime by the end of 2020 in Japan.