Massive sales on EA’s Origin service

So earlier Origin boss David DeMartini had mentioned that they will never conduct big sales because it cheapens intellectual property, but it seems they have taken an U-turn now with the service hosting, what is, one of the biggest sales ever seen.

Spore, Darksiders, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, and Battlefied: Bad Company 2 are now available at a  75% discount. Alice: Madness Returns and Darkspore are available at a 66% discount.  Dead Space 2, Shank, Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam, Mirror’s Edge, The Saboteur, Gotham City Imposters, Gatling Gears, and Batman: Arkham Asylum are at 50%. Via RockPaperShotgun.

All the relevant information can be found here. David DeMartini has some explaining to do, but this is good for gamers. It remains to be seen how well it is received, but some of the deals here are great.

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