Media Create Software Sales: Super Smash Bros. 3DS Sells Nearly 1 Million Units

Destiny also debuts in Japan to strong sales.

The Media Create software sales for September 8th to 14th have been revealed, outlining game sales in Japan for the week, and Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. on the 3DS is on top. It sold 944,644 units due to the game debuting on a Saturday, so expect sales to be even higher at this point.

Bungie’s Destiny also debuted this week in Japan on the PS3 and PS4, selling 91,277 units and 49,503 units respectively. It also helped PS4 sales in the country, which is a good thing considering how the numbers have stagnated in the past several months since its launch.

Level-5’s Yokai Watch 2 is still doing great numbers with 47,065 units sold, with lifetime sales at 2,469,211 units. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution also debuted in the past week and managed to sell 40,180 units on the PS3. It was also the inspiration for arguably some of the worst Naruto Shippuden episodes in a while. Thoughts on Super Smash Bros. or Destiny? Let us know in the comments.

3DSDestinyMedia CreateNintendops3ps4super smash bros