Media Molecule’s Dreams still looks highly promising- although whether or not you like it will come down entirely to what you think of games that rely mostly on user created content. More than even LittleBigPlanet, Dreams seems to lack a sort of framing context- it’s a true user creation tools sandbox.
That said, it seems to be exceptionally good at being a user creation tools sandbox. Just check out the newest footage that we have for the game, from the PlayStation Experience. In this gameplay video, the presenters first create a character live, on the fly, and then they showcase a few demos that people at Media Molecule created; it looks like the full range of creation tools that we will be getting is very flexible and powerful.
Dreams is due out exclusively for the PlayStation 4 in 2016. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information, and let us know what you think of the new gameplay footage in the comments section below.