After a few disappointing years, PS Plus has been getting progressively better month by month this year- games such as Life is Strange, Tales from the Borderlands, Game of Thrones, Until Dawn, and inFamous: Second Son are all some great titles that have been put on PS Plus for PS4.
This month might end up being the best PS Plus month yet for PS4 owners- this month, the PS Blog has confirmed, PS4 owners are getting Amnesia Collection (which means both of the seminal horror games from the cult hit series) as well as Hideo Kojima’s flawed masterpiece Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. They also get RIGS (the PSVR game), That’s You (the PlayLink game), as well as Hue and Sky Force Anniversary (with the latter two also being playable on PS Vita). Hot damn.
Over on the PS3 front, you can get Hustle Kings and Monster Jam: Battlegrounds– which, admittedly, pales next to the PS4 offerings this month. Hopefully Sony can keep this up in the coming months.