Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes: “Ultimate Goal is To Give Players More Freedom”

A true open world experience is on the cards with the next MGS.

Say what you will about his tactics of marketing but when it comes to the game, Hideo Kojima remains as ambitious.

He recently sat down with OPM UK to talk about his goal for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. “My ultimate goal is to give players even more freedom, not only to figure out how they’re going to get there but really have everything factor into it.

“So, do you want to get there by helicopter, or do you want to get there by plane, are you going to ride in a vehicle, or are you going to take a bike? Basically have all of these options available to the player”.

“Up until now Metal Gear has more or less been set on one path. Like you’re set on one rail to get from point A to point B, with a certain amount of freedom between.

“What I want to do is create a true open world experience. Where the player has all these options available to them and really limitless gameplay. That’s what I’m trying to accomplish with my next project, Ground Zeroes”

hideo kojimaKojima ProductionskonamiMetal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroesnext generation consoles