Metal Gear Solid Looks Great In Unreal Engine

It loses some character, but it looks great regardless.

A fan project has been slowly recreating Kojima’s iconic Metal Gear Solid in Unreal Engine; the recreation has been in development for years now, and the final product seems like the effort will have been worth it. Metal Gear Solid in Unreal Engine looks absolutely gorgeous, with Shadow Moses getting moody, dark colors, that cloak the entire game in a new, edgier, grim sort of mood, more in line with the tone the series would go on to adapt in later installments.

Apparently, creator Airam Hernández has been working with Konami on getting the right permissions for this project, implying that, while not officially sanctioning it, they may be willing to let the recreation continue. For a company that has acted so dickishly in the recent past, that’s honestly pretty cool of them.

You can check out some screens from the project, as it is stands right now, for yourself below. Be sure to let us know what you think of them in the comments section.

kojimakonamiMetal Gear SolidPS1unreal engine 4