Metal Gear Solid Movie Will Be Written By Jurassic World Writer- Report

This could be good news, or bad news...

It looks like work on Sony’s movie adaptation of the popular Metal Gear Solid franchise still continues. The latest report on the rumor vine? Derek Connolly, the man who wrote Jurassic World, the uber successful reboot of the classic film franchise, as well as its upcoming sequel, will be working on writing the script for Metal Gear Solid, too.

This is according to a report by Variety– as of right now, there has been no official confirmation from either Sony, or Connolly himself. Nonetheless, there is nothing about the report that is unlikely, either.

On the other hand, Connolly, while great at penning movies that find huge commercial audiences and success, hasn’t shown himself to be capable of much nuance (most egregiously visible in Jurassic World)- so it is unclear if he would be able to capture all the texture and depth that Metal Gear is known for underneath its absurd antics. Hopefully, he can- and hopefully, he ends up writing the first good video game movie in the process.

Metal Gear SolidSony Pictures Entertainment