Microsoft Rumoured to be Looking at Current Ford CEO for Ballmer’s Position

Yes, as the CEO of Microsoft.

Current Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that he would be stepping down as CEO of the company within the next year, and though those 12 months were to be dedicated to finding and grooming a successor, an interesting rumour has emerged as to a potential candidate: Ford CEO Alan Mulally.

According to All Things D (via Game Informer), it seems that Mulally is currently on the top of the list ahead of Nokia’s Stephen Elop since the main has the experience necessary to lead companies during turnarounds. This isn’t counting the fact the Mulally apparently advised Ballmer when deciding on Microsoft’s current structure. It’s all just a rumour at this point, however, and it already sounds iffy that Microsoft would go outside of its foundation to find a successor.

What are your thoughts on the same and who would you tip as Microsoft’s best bet for a new CEO? Let us know in the comments below.

FordindustryMicrosoftSteve Ballmer