Microsoft Trademarks Direct Physics, New Physics API Incoming?

Microsoft's acquiring of Havok Physics could finally bear fruit.

When Microsoft acquired Havok back in October 2015, it seemed like a fairly big move. Havok’s Physics toolset was renowned in the industry and Microsoft’s Direct X API has been pretty much the de facto tool for game development. However, plans for Havok were fairly quiet, until recently.

Microsoft has registered a trademark for Direct Physics, filed in September 2016 and with a status date of January 31st 2017. There are several conclusions one could draw but the most obvious is that Microsoft is using Havok’s technology and further integrating it with Direct X technology.

Such a move wouldn’t be bad, especially given the company’s revitalized desire for gaming on PC courtesy of Windows 10 and the upcoming Project Scorpio that will arrive in Holiday 2017. The kinds of games that will result from the move still need to be seen.

What are your thoughts on Direct Physics? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more updates

Direct PhysicsDirectX 12Havok PhysicsMicrosoft