Minecraft servers unified via a central lobby, incredible achievement

Great dedication.

Some gaming franchises are lucky to get a group of dedicated fans that will go out of their way to enhance the overall experience for the entire community, and here’s an example of that.

Some Reddit  users HighlifeTTU and Lazertester have managed to unify 70 Minecraft servers using a central lobby system, and the purpose for this was to enable cross-server travel and MMO capability.

Here’s how it worked(via Imgur): “The typical method of joining these servers is to go on a website, find a server with an open slot and then type in that particular server. If that server is full, you’d try a different one. This led to people having huge server lists just for one game mode, and an even larger server list if they played a lot of game modes,” HighlifeTTU wrote and also credited md_5 for being instrumental for the lobby’s creation.

“He [md_5] has enabled us to take Minecraft to a level we never thought possible before,” HighlifeTTU wrote. “This proxy system opens up huge possbilities. Imagine a large MMO-style server where a single world is broken into pieces and split among a cluster of servers. We have only begun to explore what is possible using this new proxy system.”

Minecraft players can connect through these servers through portals or quick connect signs. The central lobby also contains a PvP-disabled lounge.

Via Polygon.
