Modern Warfare 2 bugs again, demoes start ‘thinking’ they’re full games

As we all know by now, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s demo was released last Wednesday, a year after the game’s release. Surprisingly, though, the demo of Modern Warfare 2 comes with free SNK XBLA games.

The glitch makes XBLA games ‘think’ they’re authorised to run as full versions, and affects both, the demo and the full version.

Upon launching Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and selecting an SNK demo from the Xbox 360’s Quick Launch Menu, the glitch is triggered.

Either this is a bad, buggy demo, or maybe Infinity Ward just want to mess with us.


activisioncall of dutyInfinity Wardmoden warfare 2XBLAxbox 360Xbox Live Arcade