ModNation Racers release date and more!

The kart racing game with the Play. Create. Share elements – Modnation Racers, has an official release date, and a few more surprises!

Modnation Racers will be released on the PS3 and PSP on May 25.

What else? well if you pre-order ModNation racers (PS3) from Gamespot you will get a Kratos skin and a his Kart of Chaos, while on the other hand if you pre-order from Amazon you will get Ratchet and Clank, and from best buy you will get non other than Nathan Drake and his Jungle Jeep.

Ratchet & Clank, Kratos, and Drake!

While depending on your pre-order, you will also receive an additional secret bonus kart and skin.

But that’s not all the news, we also have the official US boxart for ModNation Racers!

Check it out!

Official US boxart


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