Molyneux: Curiosity prize is neither ‘a sports car, a dead cat or Half-Life 3’

22 Cans first experimental project.

Curiosity What’s Inside the Cube is an experimental game by 22 cans and they plan on to create more games like that so that they can gain some vital info and put it toward their mega project.

People are obviously interested to know what’s in the Cube? Well if you’re looking for Half-Life 3 release date, you’re out of luck here. But Molynuex does say what’s inside it will “change your life forever.”

What you won’t find is a copy of Half-Life 3, a dead cat or a sports car. Damn I sort of wanted that. There are 60 billion parts in the cube which makes it quite complex. More such experimental projects are planned in the future.

You stand to win if you tap more, according to Molyneux. What it could contain is a Minesweeper like game, or photos of prolific tappers.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

22 Canscuriosity: what's inside the cube?iOS