Monster Hunter 4 Wallpapers In HD

Check out these Monster Hunter 4 wallpapers in HD.

Check out these Monster Hunter 4 wallpapers in HD. You can use these wallpapers for your PlayStation 3, iPad, Computer desktop and other similar devices.

About the game: (from Wikipedia)

Monster Hunter 4 is vastly different from its predecessors as there is a stronger emphasis on platforming than before, walls can now be climbed more fluidly and in any direction, and for the first time Hunters can grab onto monsters and attack them. Environments shown also appear to be larger than before. It was stated that the game is going to put far more effort into adventure and storyline, The monsters in this game are also terrain aware and will use the environment to their advantage and the game will have a traveling base camp. Underwater battling will not be present. The game will have the most NPCs of any Monster Hunter game to date. The game will also have online multiplayer.

Monster Hunter 4 is due for the 3DS. It is published by Capcom.

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