Monster Hunter Generations Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough of Monster Hunter Generations.

Monster Hunter Generations is the newest installment in Capcom’s long running action RPG series. The new entry takes the best from all the franchise’s previous games, and brings it all together in one package- while also adding some new spins and features of its own.

The game, much like previous games in the series, has a campaign, that sees you start out as a novice monster hunter, and take on quests to despatch increasingly dangerous monsters- and while the true appeal of the franchise lies in its multiplayer, the campaigns are almost always long, full featured, and more than worth playing- especially if you are a newcomer to the franchise.

If that is you, and you have problems getting through anything in the campaign, then this video walkthrough below will help. Keep in mind, though, that it has spoilers for the full story- so if you would rather go into the game blind, you’re best off not watching it, or at least watching it very carefully.

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