Monster Hunter Rise Guide – All Relic Record Locations

Here's where to find all of the Old Messages and Rampage Messages.

In each map of Monster Hunter Rise, you’ll come across items called Relic Records. Though some can be encountered through basic exploration, others might require a bit of platforming finesse. Try to master wall-running and the Wirebug to reach some of the more difficult locations.

In total, there are 60 Relic Records to collect and they contain Old Messages and Rampage Messages (which can be read in the Notebook after collecting). Check out IGN’s guide below for all of their locations. Carvings are awarded for every five records collected, which can be used to decorate one’s room. While they don’t have any major gameplay benefit, it’s still a nice bit of customization, especially when showing off your room to other players.

Monster Hunter Rise is currently available for Nintendo Switch and is coming to PC in early 2022. Check out our official review for it here.

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