In its digital event for Monster Hunter, Capcom debuted a new trailer – along with extensive new footage – for Monster Hunter Rise. It featured numerous new monsters and several returning ones, including Tigrex. We also got a look at a new snow-covered area and monster riding. Check it out below.
Some of the featured monsters include Goss Harag, a fanged beast that can create ice-blades and fire ice breath among other things; Khezu, a flying Wyvern that lives in dark locales and which uses electricity; and Great Baggi, a bird Wyvern that can inflict sleep. But perhaps the coolest new feature is Wyvern Riding which allows players to ride monsters. These can be knocked into walls or used to attack other monsters.
This is perhaps best illustrated when the player rides a Rathalos to fight against the new flagship monster, Magnamalo. There’s a real Monster Hunter Stories vibe here and we’re all for it. Check out the full event below to learn more about the various NPCs that can also be encountered.
Monster Hunter Rise is out on March 26th for Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned for more details, including when the demo releases.