New Ad Proclaims The PS4 Is ‘The Best Place To Play’

And then goes on to show off a whole host of multiplatform games and remasters.

Sony’s marketing for the PlayStation 4 has been on point- much like the NES, the Genesis, the N64, the PS2, and the Xbox 360 were synonymous with gaming in the minds of the mainstream games buying public, the PS4 is what immediately comes to mind for most when they think of a video game console. And Sony is hammering that point home- this newest commercial for the console proclaims that the PS4 is ‘the best place to play all the biggest games.’

The ad mostly has multiplatform releases- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, as an example. But it’s a very clever strategy of ensuring that multiplatform games are associated with your console that Sony is using here- it’s taken right out of Microsoft’s playbook last generation, when they achieved synonymity with the biggest third party titles, such as Call of Duty and Skyrim.

You can check out the ad below:
