New Lost Planet 3 Trailer Talks About Cold Weather, Sets Up Atmosphere For Game Pretty Good

Newest trailer for Lost Planet 3 will leave you cold.

Capcom’s upcoming Lost Planet 3 has a lot riding on it; it needs to reinvigorate the franchise after the mediocre Lost Planet 2 all but killed it, and it needs to return to the excellent survival/shooter mechanics of the original game. If the newest trailer is anything to go by, it seems like it might be doing a good job at both of those tasks- the new trailer tries to set up the game and its premise, its mechanics, and its world via an informational video that shows us the effects of excessively cold weather on the human body (the Lost Planet franchise takes place on frozen planets, if you don’t remember). It shows off some really great looking frozen wastelands, and generally does a good job at reinvoking the feel of the original title.

Developed by Spark, Lost Planet 3 is due out August 27 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as well as PC. No Wii U version has been announced so far.

capcomLost Planet 3Spark