New PSP2/NGP details

Sony has revealed more info for their new handheld system, the NGP.

It will have a new hub page for a game called Live Area, where users can get different information on the game, and jump into the PS Store and other areas in the PS Space.

You can actually quit out of games very quickly, something like how you quit out of iPhone devices.

There’s even a built-in message board.

And since the NGP will be connected to the Internet by 3G, you will ALWAYS be connected.

The in-game camera angles can be moved around in games by moving around.

Sony also announced a new The Near app, which will record your footprints in a travel and tracks it… to do some stuff.

They also said that the touch pad and the touch screen of the PSP can be used to Touch, Grab, Trace, Push, Pull and more stuff.

You can also look at other players’ Avatars, touch them to see where they are, what games they have played and a lot of other cool stats.

Stay tuned, we will have more info for you soon.
