New Soul Sacrifice video focuses on the game’s music

An entire track.

Sony has released a video for the upcoming RPG/action adventure hybrid, Soul Sacrifice. The video shows the composer Wataru okoyama conducting the composition of an entire track titled “Beginning of the End” from the sound score of the game. It sounds quite epic, give it a whirl.

The music and the soundtrack of the game have been quite an important focus for the development teams at Marvelous AQL and Sony’s Japan studio, as they have been releasing videos on the soundtrack regularly. It does sound pretty good, to be honest. Hopefully the game itself will be no different.

Soul Sacrifice releases on the PS Vita exclusively on 30th April in North American and March 1 in Europe. Tell us if you’re looking forward to it in the comments section below.

Stay tuned to GB for more updates.

PS VitasonySoul Sacrifice