New Unreal Engine 4 Visual Effects Video Is Stunning

Looks pretty gosh darn amazing.

In the video that you see above, two graphics designers will walk you through the new visual and graphical flairs and effects that Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 will allow for.

Unreal Engine 4 is the next generation successor to this generation’s most popular middleware game engine, Unreal Engine 3 (although for next generation, Crytek’s Cry Engine 3, DICE’s Frostbite, and Unity have all seem to beaten it to the punch so far). It is supposed to be highly scaleable, running on everything from that midrange Android phone in your pcket to the most high end PC imaginable, and everything in between. Yes, that means it will run on Wii U too trolls, now stop asking.

Anyway, the effects that you see above? Only possible on the high end devices (so not on Wii U- here, here’s a victory for you trolls after all!), and they look stunning.

It’ll be great to see the power of Unreal Engine 4 harnessed in more games as the generation goes on.

EPICunreal engine 4