NieR Automata Developers Put Out A New Video Thanking Fans

They're not laughing at you, they're laughing with you.

NieR Automata is a project that simply should not exist. It is the sequel to a niche game that never did all that well, outsourced to a dream developer who have never made a commercially successful game in their lives, by a publisher who are known for never doing anything that pleases their fans. And yet, it exists, and fans of NieR love Square for it.

Perhaps aware of the ridiculous excitement fans of NieR felt for the sequel upon its announcement at E3 2015, Square Enix and Platinum have put out a brand new video, which is basically them lampooning the ‘reaction videos’ that are all the rage on YouTube these days. They may be making fun of their fans, but there is no malice here- they are genuinely thankful for the devout fan sentiment that caused this game to exist in the first place.

It’s a sweet, awesome video thanking fans, from a company that so often ends up antagonizing its fanbase. You can check it out below.

NieR: AutomataPlatinum Gamesps4Square Enix