Nintendo Announces “E3 Experience at Nintendo NY”

Includes the opportunity to go hands on with Super Smash Bros.

Nintendo will be bringing the E3 festivities to New York, via its Nintendo NY Store. Nintendo has announced an “E3 Experience at Nintendo NY,” a five day long event that will bring the hustle and bustle of the world’s most popular game show to New Yorkers, and others on the east coast who may find the trek to New York more palatable.

This will include a livestream of Nintendo’s E3 Direct (which the store does with every Direct, admittedly), as well as all of Nintendo’s other events, including the Splatoon Invitational, the Smash Invitational, and also the Treehouse streams. Apart from that, those who manage to get into the store for the festivities will also get the chance to demo Super Smash Bros. (as well as the upcoming Mario Tennis Aces).

This… makes me jealous. I wish Nintendo would bring some of the fun over to Toronto too! We’re just a few hours north, Nintendo…

E3 2018Nintendonintendo switchsuper smash bros