Nintendo Announces E3 Plans, Video Presentation Coming June 12

The festivities seem curiously muted this year...

Nintendo has finally confirmed its plans for E3 this year, announcing that its video presentation will be held on June 12 at 9am PT/12pm ET (the traditional time slot for the company’s press events). The presentation, and indeed, Nintendo’s E3 presence in general, will largely be focused on Super Smash Bros.. That apart, Nintendo will be looking at other games for 2018 in its event, with games coming beyond 2018 to be tackled on “a later date”.

Apart from the video presentation, Nintendo will also have the previously announced invitational tournaments for Super Smash Bros. and Splatoon 2; Nintendo will also be hosting Treehouse Live, with developers playing through the games that are announced in broadcast livestreams, from June 12-14.

The festivities seem curiously muted for this year- is Super Smash Bros. going to be all that they focus on? Will 2018 games be all that they focus on? As of right now, Nintendo’s 2018 lineup doesn’t appear to be too special- is this where that changes? And where in the world is Pokemon?

E3 2018Nintendonintendo switchsuper smash bros