Nintendo Restructuring Itself To Transition From Traditional Japanese Corporate Structure To A Western Corporate Model

Nintendo overhauling its management dramatically.

In all the Nintendo news today, something like this can and did very easily get lost. But I believe that news like this is also significant- particularly because it holds some information as to the future of gaming’s oldest dynasty.

In their earnings release today, Nintendo announced that they would be making the transition from their traditional Japanese business structure to a western inspired corporate model- a change like this will lead to Nintendo becoming a company with an audit/supervisory committee, and an officer system.

What does this mean in simple terms? Well, it means that:

  • Nintendo will move from their traditional Japanese to a western style corporate model
  • An independent board of directors with members from outside of the company, to oversee the company’s operations
  • More positions like CEO, COO, CFO, will be created in the company, and responsibilites distributed among them
  • The aim seems to be to divest the power from the few individuals at the top to a full supervisory committee

On the whole, it seems like Nintendo wants its top brass to be more accountable and answerable. They must be really eager to avoid a repeat of the Wii U, which, in the end, occurred because a few individuals had all the decision making power in the company, and they were convinced that the console would be a good idea.
