Nintendo Switch Lite’s New Blue Color Launches On May 21

A new color comes for the portable-focused version of the system.

When it comes to conversation around the Nintendo Switch, most is centered around the rumored ‘Switch Pro,’ a stronger version of the system that many enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating. However, it seems Nintendo wanted to reveal another version of the system, this time in a familiar form with a new color shade.

Nintendo has announced that a new color of the Switch Lite will be coming out next month. The system will join four other colors the console is already available in: coral, yellow, gray and turquoise. It will also share the same functionalities as previous releases and will be handheld-only and retail for a suggested price of $199.99 USD. While the system launches alongside the re-release of Miitopia (as highlighted in the official announcement below), there is no game bundled.

The Nintendo Switch Lite is available now in the four color mentioned above, with the blue edition set to launch on May 21st.

Nintendonintendo switchnintendo switch lite