Nintendo Switch Online Prices for Australia and New Zealand Revealed

It's not too bad, I guess.

Nintendo will launch a paid online service for Nintendo Switch late this year; it has been a long time coming, since it was originally due to release last year. With the release now only seven months away, Nintendo has finally revealed the prices that Australian and New Zealand users will have to pay to use it.

The prices are mostly in line with the rest of the world (basically, you pay $2 a month or $20 for a year worldwide); $6 AUD and $6.55 NZD for the monthly subscription, and $30 AUD an $33 NZD for the yearly one. It’s not as bad (certainly cheaper than the online services on other platforms)- but then again, we have no indication that Nintendo can even make a competent online service to begin with.

Until the online service does launch, you get to play all of Switch’s games online for free. After that, things like FIFA, NBA, WWE, DOOM, Mario Kart, Splatoon, ARMS, and Pokken will require a subscription to the service.

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