Nintendo to Post $1.3 billion Loss… ouch

According to the analysts at Nikkei (translated), Nintendo is poised to post a $1.3 billion loss or 100 billion Yen when it reveals its financials soon. That is a lot of money. A LOT OF MONEY. It’s surprising since Nintendo just posted their first loss a few months back in their 100 year history.

So yeah, they will reveal their earnings on 27th, that’s like tomorrow. So stay tuned to the drama. Is it because of 3DS or any other reason, we’ll soon know.

But Nintendo will stay strong because they have $15 billion or so in cash after all the moolah they made from the Wii and DS. So they still have some hope. Nintendo has taken a loss of $1 billion in the last three months, so it’s not looking that good.

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