Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto Will Be At The Apple Store In New York Next Week

Super Mario Fun.

Nintendo and Apple really love each other. Apple gave Nintendo a prime spot on the stage at their iPhone 7 event earlier this year, Super Mario Run is launching exclusively for iOS devices to begin with, and now, Nintendo’s legendary Shigeru Miyamoto and the creator of Mario will be at the Apple Store in New York next week.

What will he be doing there? He will be demoing Super Mario Run, also allowing people who are there an early chance to play the game ahead of its December 15 launch (you’d have to register for it on Apple’s website first, though). He will also be talking to tech journalist Katie Linendoll, discussing his philosophy to “share the importance of fun and the inspiration behind the gameplay”.

Super Mario Run represents the first true Nintendo smartphone game- Miitomo was more social networking app than game, and the immensely successful Pokemon GO wasn’t really a Nintendo game at all. It’ll be interesting to see how the higher priced Mario Run does.

iOSNintendoSuper Mario Run