Nordic Games Removes GFWL From Red Faction: Guerrilla & Downgrade Defaults

It's something. Not much, but it's something.


Nordic Games, developers of the immensely fun cult hit, Pain Killer Hell and Damnation, and helped publish the other massive underground hit title, Alan Wake, have decided that its time to remove Games for Windows Live from their game Red Faction: Guerilla.

While the game proved to be nothing special and was rather divisive amongst gamers and critics alike, didn’t just get the Games for Windows Live portion of it removed, Nordic Games also saw fit to downgrade the game by default. It normally made use of DirectX 10 by default, but that has been changed to DX9.  “DX10 created a lot of problems and resulted in performance drawbacks.”

This means open public testing for bugs and glitches as well as the full integration of Steamworks which I think we can all agree is in every way possible, better than Games for Windows Live. The PC gaming community shed a collective tear when GFWL was removed from Bioshock 2, lets just hope more games follow suit soon.


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