Nvidia announces PhysX support for the PlayStation 4

In a surprising move, Nvidia has pledged PhysX and APEX support for the PlayStation 4. The company will ship PhysX and APEX software development kits to game developers who can utilize it for collision detection and simulation of rigid bodies, clothing, fluids, particle systems and more.

This move is most unexpected as both the CPU and Graphic Card of the PS4 are both being supplied by their competitors AMD. PhysX has garnered substantial attention from both gamers and developers over the years. The Physics simulation in supported games in stupendous, even though it comes with a major performance hit. And with it coming to the PlaStation 4, you can expect more destructible environments, improved fluid and body animations, smoke anr particle effects, lifelike simulation of cloth and much more from the next generation PlayStation 4 games.

“Great physics technology is essential for delivering a better gaming experience and multiplatform support is critical for developers,” said Mike Skolones, product manager for PhysX at NVIDIA. “With PhysX and APEX support for PlayStation4, customers can look forward to better games.”

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