Nvidia’s New GTX 750 Ti Specially Created for Titanfall

Stand by for (GTX 750 Ti)tanfall.

Graphics card manufacturer Nvidia is getting in on the Titanfall hype, and has announced a new GTX 750 Ti graphics card for the game. According to GameSpot, the card is capable of running Titanfall at a near 60 frames per second at 1080p resolution.

Even more interestingly, it will retail for $149.99. The card utilizes the Maxweel architecture along with offering HDMI and two DVI slots, along with 2 GB GDDR5 RAM. It’s a testament to the hype of the game when a developer releases specialized hardware for it, but this seems more directed towards allowing the maximum number of consumers to enjoy the game.

For those who want a lot more power in their cabinet, the GTX Titan Black is also on its way. it will feature 6 GB GDDR5 RAM and retail for about $1,000. Titanfall is set to release on March 11th in North America and March 14th in Europe for the Xbox One and PC, while the Xbox 360 version is out on March 25th/28th.

GDDR5 RAMGTX 750 TiNvidiaTitanFall