Obsidian Entertainment: Many Studio Members “Would Like To Do” KOTOR 3

The Star Wars-based action RPG is still on the minds of many Obsidian team members.

Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer recently spoke to IGN about wanting to get back on Fallout and how an online version of the franchise would be great but he also talked about the studio’s stance on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic or KOTOR, especially whether there would be a third one. KOTOR was one of the better action RPGs of the early 2000’s and arguably became the framework for Bioware’s Mass Effect series (Obsidian worked on the sequel).

“I think there are a lot of the people at the studio that would like to do Knights of the Old Republic 3.”

Of course, when Lucas Arts still possessed the license, it was “focused on what they considered to be extreme, extreme blockbusters.” And KOTOR wasn’t one of them. “[I]t just never seemed like something that was going to happen at that time. Having said that, a lot of time has passed. I know there are a lot of people at the studio who are really interested in doing a project like that.”

Producer Brandon Adler also said that there aren’t any formal plans for the game as such. “It’s something that comes up every three to six months. We bring it up and talk about it. Not anything terribly serious, but we just say, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if?’ and just develop some ideas for what we’d do with that stuff.”

Given Disney’s acquisition of the franchise and its deal with EA, it doesn’t seem likely that KOTOR will return. What are your thoughts on a third title though? Let us know in the comments.

Lucas Artsobsidian entertainmentStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic