Oculus Rift Headsets Being Given Out For Free To Oculus Dev Kit Backers on Kickstarter

That's extremely nice of them.

Were you one of those people who paid $300 (or more) to back the Oculus Rift development kit on Kickstarter? If so, Oculus is going to return the favor, and give you a free consumer grade Oculus Rift VR headset, the company announced today.

The announcement came in a thank you video by Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, which you can see below. The free headset will come bundled with a copy of Lucky’s Tale, and EVE Valkyrie, so you’ll have some software to check out your shiny new toy right off the bat.

To get your free Rift, you have to fill out a survey you’ll get from Kickstarter before February 1. As of right now, your shipping address for the dev kit needs to be from within the 20 countries that Oculus will initially be launching in- so just in case you’re not in one of those 20 countries, you’re out of luck, for now, unless you can set up a forwarding arrangement of some sort.

Oculus Rift will launch later this year, sometime within the first six months, and it will be available for pre-ordering on January 8. In spite of that, we still don’t yet know exactly how much it will cost or when it will launch- it’s only a matter of time at this point.

OculusOculus RiftVR