Oculus Rift Is Working On An Internal Game With John Carmack Involved

What will the creator of Wolfenstien, Doom, Quake, and Rage bring us next?

Oculus Rift is going to be releasing the eponymous virtual reality headset for PC gamers sometime soon, and while third party developers and publishers are excited for it and signing up to support it in droves, the company itself will also be working on developing a title for the machine internally, reports Engadget.

The new game involves John Carmack, the pioneer and erstwhile head honcho at id Software, who left to head Oculus Rift’s technology development, in some capacity. CEO Brendan Iribe and Director of Developer Relations Aaron Davies talked about the new game.

“He’s working on a lot of exciting tech,” Iribe said of Carmack’s role. “But, his heart and soul and history certainly lies in the game-development side.”

He talked about the necessity for a flagship first party game. “That’s always been Epic’s philosophy. And it’s what allowed them to make what they made. It’s certainly been id’s philosophy in the past. It’s been John Carmack’s philosophy — you gotta eat your own dog food here, and develop internal content also,” he said.

It will be interesting to see the kinds of things John Carmack can accomplish with the Oculus Rift. Stay tuned.

John CarmackOculus Rift