Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty Dev On PS4’s 8GB GDDR5 RAM: “Fact That Memory Operates at 172GB/s is Amazing”

Stewart Gilray talks about the benefits of the PS4's architecture.

We recently had a chance to speak to CEO of Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants development director Stewart Gilray about the PlayStation 4. Given that Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is not releasing for either the Xbox One or the Xbox 360- we thought of getting his take on the benefits of developing for the PS4.

How would the unified system architecture and 8GB GDDR5 RAM help in making a better game? Gilray stated that, “It means we don’t have to worry so much about stuff, the fact that the memory operates at around 172GB/s is amazing, so we can swap stuff in and our as fast as we can without it really causing us much grief.

“It also means we can do a lot of lead development on high end PC’s without having to worry overly about RAM limitations or graphics features our target platform DOESN’T have. Granted we are working on other platforms that do have those restrictions but the Unity Engine has helped minimize those.

As of now, despite the appeal that the DualShock 4’s Share button and touch pad hold, it doesn’t quite factor into the game majorly. “To be honest we’ve not finalized design for those yet, but the Share button is more of a system thing, for sharing captured video that the system captures automatically, I believe.”

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty will be releasing this Holiday season for PC, PS3, OS X, Linux and Wii U, while the PS4 version will be out sometime in 2014.

8 GB GDDR5 RamJust Add WaterOddworld InhabitantsOddworld: New 'N' Tastyps4