Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty – Brand New Details Revealed

New details on length, skills and enemies.

We recently had a chance to speak to CEO of Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants development director Stewart Gilray about Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty. He revealed some brand new information about the enemies, skill system and the length of the game.

First of all, we asked him what kind of changes are they making in Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, to which he replied: “It’s the same old loveable gameplay from the original, there are SOME tweaks and changes, there will be some surprises and I’d like to keep them that way for the moment, but I think new and old players alike will be more than happy.”

Talking on enemies, he said, “The main physical enemy are Slig’s these are basically guards of the might Mullock, who’s a nasty piece of work Glukkon. He runs a big corporation that are basically harvesting the indigenous populous of Oddworld for food. Along the way in your game you also meet those indigenous species who, to be fair, are still wild animals, Scrabs and Paramites, they don’t make friends easily as such they will try and kill Abe.”

Being a platformer one can obviously expect puzzles. However they will be based on music and time. “It’s a platforming puzzle title with puzzles based around that concept. There are some music based puzzles too and a good few timing ones,” he added. And as for the game’s length, he believes “the final play length” would last “at least 8hrs.”

He also told us whether the game will have a skill system or not. “There are a couple of skills that Abe earns through the story, but these are a part of the story progress of the title. There’s nothing from a true customization point of view.”

Are you looking forward to Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty? Let us know in the comments section below.

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