Ori and The Blind Forest Debuts at E3 2014


Moon Studios revealed the gameplay trailer for its platforming adventure game Ori and The Blind Forest which combines 2D-animated visuals with some rather heart-breaking imagery. Seriously, go watch the trailer now while we wipe our tears.

The mechanics seem to indicate some co-op gameplay as two characters – a large dark creature and a small glowing character – can be seen in the trailer. The happy moments don’t last forever though as a huge, dark owl arrives to trample on your parade. Those damn owls.

You’ll supposedly work together to make your way through and really, those visuals are incredibly snazzy. They sort of remind of us of Child of Light and Moon Studios has done an incredibly job bringing the forest and its characters to life.

What are your thoughts on the trailer and the gameplay from Ori and The Blind Forest? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned as we offer more updates.

indieMoon StudiosOri and the Blind ForestXbox One