Paragon Adds New Emotes, Lt. Belica as New Hero

Changes made to Orb Prime and Siege minion spawns.

Epic Games’ Paragon has received a new update that adds emotes to the game. These five emotes can be purchased and feature such gestures as Greystone motioning for battle, Gideon playing with his rift device, Murdock standing around, Kallari threatening enemies with death and Twinblast “faking out”.

More importantly, a new hero has been added with Lt. Belica. This special futuristic police officer has some rather interesting abilities – Void Bomb can deal burst damage and restore mana for each enemy hit in its area; Seismic Assault is a straight line attack which knocks enemies in the air while also dealing damage; and Void Drone can drain manage from enemies while causing them to take damage if you use any abilities. Her Ultimate is also pretty devastating – it’s essentially a bomb that will damage an enemy more with the less mana they have.

Other changes include less health for Orb Prime, Black Buff and Orb Prime respawning much more quickly, Siege minions spawning in every other wave after 10 minutes and then every single wave after 20 minutes and some new cards.

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